In Crisis? Suicidal?

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or 1-800-992-2061

We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A caring, trained clinician is waiting to take your call.

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Public hearing for FY21 budget

August 26, 2020

Notice of Public Forum

West Michigan Community Mental Health will hold a Public Forum on its Proposed FY2021 Operating Budget. Due to COVID-19 Pandemic, the Public Forum will not be held in person but rather through Zoom on the following date:

Tuesday, September 8th from 11am to 12 pm

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 678 788 9121
Passcode: 8290

Call in:
1-301-715-8592, passcode: 6787889121# US
1-312-626-6799, passcode: 6787889121# US

Individuals who would prefer to submit written testimony should forward it to Lisa Williams, Chief Executive Officer, West Michigan CMH, 920 Diana Street, Ludington, MI 49431.

A copy of the proposed budget is available for public review starting September 2nd. Please contact Kimberly Goodrich at 231-843-5401 or via email at to request a copy.

Individuals requiring special accommodations to participate in the Public Hearing should contact Kimberly Goodrich prior to September 7, 2020 at 231-843-5401.
